Today a very close friend of mine ( I would quote him directly, but I don't know if he wants his name mentioned) said to me:
"Blood relationships are an accident of birth, so there's no reason you should have to maintain them and suffer emotionally just because you're kin."
I agree. Relationships take work, and mostly the work is worth it. But what about when it's not worth it? Today it occurred to me that a lot of times people don't hold their families to the standards that they hold their friends. Why? I also wonder why more people don't actively seek estrangement from their family members who they only complain about or who make them feel bad. Is it because we fear we will ultimately be alone in the end but blood ties bind? Blood relatives are obligated to be there until the end? I don't want people in my life because of obligation; I want them in my life because they care about my well being and want to be there--the same reason I want to be around for someone.
Human body weight is about 7% blood and 55-60% in water. Blood is the circulating fluid, it keeps the heart going, but it is made of about 50% water. Water is more abundant and easier to find and in most cases tastes better.
i guess mtn home was not so awesome?