Thursday, January 13, 2011

BSU: the "green" (see cheap) school

I got an email today from BSU about how I wasn't going to receive a Dean's List certificate in the mail, even though I was on the Dean's List.  The reason: the college is "going green."  I call bullshit.  And while it might not be a big deal to most, I have been giving the certificates to my mom or my grandma, and seeing my name makes them excited and keeps them living (well at least in my grandma's case--well not really).  So, it's not like the paper ends up in the trash, and it's not like the paper they print them on wasn't already made.  They aren't cutting down a special tree to make the certificates--yes, I know, faulty logic; if we keep thinking this way then the Earth will be an even bigger fiery inferno, but you know what?  This stupid piece of paper is important to me.  I don't need it to stroke my ego, but I like the feeling I get when it comes in the mail and I like the smile on my mom's face when she sees it--a look of a job well done in raising me. At any rate, I think the college is cheap, and wanting my damned piece of paper isn't whiny or snotty; after that last semester, I deserve it.  So, as I am wont to do, I wrote a complaint.  Not attending class has given me time to do stuff like this.  I think it is what idle minds do sometimes.  The following is the correspondence I received and the correspondence I sent: the names have been taken out to protect the people involved--except for me.
On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 2:42 PM, XXX wrote

Dear College of Arts and Sciences student:

Congratulations on your Fall 2010 academic record at Boise State University. I am pleased to recognize your achievement by including you on the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s List of Students. Boise State University provides the opportunity for individuals to achieve their academic goals, but it is up to you to take advantage of the opportunity. You have done this in an exceptional manner.

We would like to recognize your accomplishments on COAS’s website ( Unless we hear otherwise from you, we will post your name and honor distinction on the website. Please note that the semester’s Dean’s list will be posted for the duration of the following semester at such conclusion the following semester’s honors will then be listed.

In the past, the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office has issued certificates to those on the Dean’s List. In part due to the university-wide “go green” program and in part our fellow College’s progressive change, we are no longer mailing paper certificates. Your academic accomplishment of being on the Dean’s list will be noted on your transcripts. Again, congratulations on your achievements and please feel free to contact our office if we can be of further service to you.


XXX's boss

Here is my letter back.

Dear XXX,

Let me first start by saying that I appreciate your correspondence. Secondly, I would like to recognize that you are only the messenger; however, I have some complaints regarding your correspondence.

While working on my undergraduate degree, I was on the Dean's List six times. This semester I graduated, and therefore this is my last chance to get a Dean's List certificate. While I am sure you wouldn't have known this, I send the certificate to either my mom or my grandma every time I get one. My grandma is almost ninety, and she is not in good health. This was probably the last time I was going to be able to send her a certificate. In return, she usually sends me fifty dollars in the mail--which to be honest, would be nice right about now because the economy isn't the best and finding a job is hard. So not only do I not get my fifty dollars, my grandma will die broken hearted--don't worry, though; I won't blame you.

I understand that BSU is "going green," and that our college is finally following suit. The "green movement" in our department at this juncture is a little curious since it comes right after Butch Otter's State of the State address in which he proposed numerous budget cuts. But come on, College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office. Does it really cost that much money to send out some pieces of paper to recognize people that busted their humps--some of whom who are like me that worked nearly full-time and still managed to get a 4.0 while taking 14 credits in their final semesters? The paper the certificate is printed on isn't that great. The last time I got a certificate in the mail, the corner was torn; it's not like they are made out of gold. Postage could be a concern, and I understand that, except I remember the certificates being mailed in non-profit envelopes at a discount.

While I appreciate your offer to post my name on the website, and the consolation that the Dean's list accomplishment will be noted on my transcript (it is no matter what--no matter the "green" state of our university or not), I offer a better suggestion: why doesn't the College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office provide a PDF version to each student that is on the Dean's List? Your computers are on anyway, and it is a "green" solution. This way, no blood will be on your hands for killing those trees (not even my grandma's because she'll still get a certificate), and instead I will print a certificate myself and kill the tree and use my own energy and ink and resources; thus, you stay green, and I get the one thing I was looking forward to for working so hard this semester.

Andrea Oyarzabal


  1. I feel your pain, Aunnie! As someone who has earned two baccalaureate degrees from BSU, I have plenty of experience with the University and its attitude towards its students. And I can therefore tell you unequivocally that the institution cares more about its community image and its football team than it does about its students' feelings or their sense of accomplishment. It's sad, especially in light of the amount of money we students pay for fees and tuition.

    Anyway, I'm sorry you didn't get your certificate from the Dean. If it's any consolation, I'm proud of you!

  2. it's kinda like bsu 'going green' and NOT providing trays at the cafeteria. "so they save x number of gallons of water by not washing them." RIGHT. lazy kids won't go back to fill their 4" plate 6 times, but they will put 6 4" plates on a damn tray.

  3. Aunnie,
    Your witty retorts never cease to amaze me. It would be an interesting outcome if, in response to the school's lackadaisical efforts in heading toward a greener future by forfeiture of sending out emotionally restoring papers such as the Dean's list achievements to deserving and tuition paying students, were the students to refuse to turn in papers in an effort to stay green. Paper should be boycotted completely! Come to think of it, isn't money made of paper? Perhaps we should forfeit paying tuition as well to keep things easier and greener for all.

  4. Thanks, everyone. It pays to complain, apparently.

    Here is my email I just got:

    Dear Andrea,

    I have printed you a Dean's list certificate and it will go out in
    tomorrows mail.

    Thank you and Congrats again,


  5. uh, what the eff, i NEVER got a mailed certificate! the SSPA SUCKS.
    oh, and congrats.


  6. Let's see if I can post a comment...

  7. Oh, Anon is back and feels your pain. And while laughing at this time
    is completely inappropriate, thank you for providing me with your deadpan wit. It's lovely to know you. And, oh yeah, @#%$#$% BSU!

  8. Anon here again. Now I see congrats are in order.
    @#%$#$% Congratulations!

  9. Seriously, I wish I had the balls to write BSU something like that.
    You rock.
    Now write a sign on your garbage telling your neighbor not to put his dogs gigantor poo in it.
