Saturday, June 5, 2010


Reformed fat people really bother me. Guess what, former fatty? No one gives a fuck, and chances are, you are going to get fat again. The statistics aren't in your favor. Also, I hate reformed smokers, too. Fuckers. Reformed drinkers (i.e. recovering alcoholics) don't bother me as much. I wonder what it is that prevents them from touting their way of life.


  1. So you really hate Biggest Loser.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jake, I read your comment before, and that isn't the reformed of which I speak. It's okay if you were once a fatty and skinny now, or if you were once a smoker and are not now. I am talking about he people that are braggarts about it, and say stuff like, "Oh, god. I don't know how I ever ate bacon. Now I just carry a pack of saltines with me wherever I go, and I just eat two when I am hungry." Or as I posted on facebook, the people that remind you, after they see you smoking, that Warren Zevon died of smoking. It's like the born-agains of the fatty/smoker world.
